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  1. BadWithNames123 BadWithNames123

    nice boat but the people who designed the inside obviously never been sailing : P

  2. facehole3 facehole3

    Haha this is gay

  3. 동현 김 동현 김

    nice boat

  4. Fuzzyfox12 Fuzzyfox12

    reaction?….. Wooooooow! looks like something that should have been added to the movie oblivion! Awesome engineering!

  5. ludovic howison ludovic howison

    its fucking quick

  6. Soundingofficial Soundingofficial

    This is not a godamn boat anymore. The interior and the whole inside? It looks more like a futuristic spaceship gay bar. Some things should stay classic, and that is sailboats.

  7. Aleš Dimnik Aleš Dimnik

    Amazing. Congratulation for such a nice design!

  8. billaros23 billaros23

    fuck is beautiful though…..

  9. 風力車來臨了 免費能源 風力車來臨了 免費能源



    what a pile of shite.

  11. alphasxsignal alphasxsignal

    It will never sell that many.

  12. nigelpwsmith1 nigelpwsmith1

    This is a really beautiful yacht. She’s not just wonderful to look at, she’s a work of art, a technical masterstroke, a sportscar on the water. I’m just sad that I cannot afford the £2m price tag or £250k for the sails. I’ll bet that she’s fabulous for a long & fast blue water race. I’d buy it in a heartbeat.

  13. Chiortik Chiortik

    Boat is awsome. W T F happened to interior???
    Kind of BS space shuttle.

  14. amzeta23 amzeta23

    ..where is she going?

  15. Allvaromm Melo Allvaromm Melo

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  16. LolaFick LolaFick

    This boat is ugly as fuck. The only thing I like is the open cockpit design.

  17. balumba balumba

    i’m confused….is this a space shuttle????

  18. LeCutter LeCutter

    It’s a little austere but I’m a fan of modular design. I’d take it in a heartbeat if I had the dough. I’d love to see what it can do on a run with the bag up.

  19. NauticalPappyStu NauticalPappyStu

    After reviewing the comments I would only add that boats like mates are a matter of preference. One man’s dream is another man’s nightmare… Fair winds and following seas…


  20. alphasxsignal alphasxsignal

    But the inside in just to ugly for me. I will pass on this boat design inside.

  21. alphasxsignal alphasxsignal

    Very nice looking boat. I like chain washers.

  22. MLATX512 MLATX512

    Nice boat but I can’t help but wonder what happens if you trip and fall between the seats and the nav/galley when it is rotating. I guess you are stuck and hope you have some capable and awake crew.

  23. wachtacharlesable wachtacharlesable

    And further more the rotary nav/gally adds to stability so BOOM. This is a racer cruiser not a family boat

  24. wachtacharlesable wachtacharlesable

    Yeah and the designer of this piece of art just finished 4th in the vendee globe 3000 miles of it without his keel ….congrats jp so fuck u haters

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